Thursday, April 10, 2014

Sky White Tiger on Mexican TV

Louis, touring as Sky White Tiger, has ended his most recent tour in Los Angeles, after opening and playing sideman to audiences of 2,000-3,000 in Madrid, Barcelona and Mexico City. Along the way, interviews on Italian radio and this appearance on Mexican television.     

Hannah S Named to Florida State Faculty

The Institute is extending its reach to the South -- to Tallahassee, where Hannah Schwadron has been named to the dance faculty at Florida State University as an assistant professor. Among other things, Hannah, who was awarded her doctorate at UC Riverside last June, will teach dance history and culture, and pursue her combination of theory and practice with an office, classroom and studio space. Hannah has been in New York this year teaching at Queens College and creating her own choreography and performances in Bushwick and Providence, among other locations. She has presented at dance research conferences and is creating writing projects about movement, identity politics and understanding roles assigned to the "other" in dance and performance.